How do you make Ireland's largest audiovisual collection of content accessible and manageable?
The project’s main focus was delivering selected parts of this archived content to the public online. A daily feed of archived audio, video, image and documents was seen as the best way to let the public access the archived material – themed by the date (‘on this day‘), or reflecting current trends or topics (’history repeats itself’).

Dig a little deeper…
Identifying user needs, and marrying those with the project objectives was key to ensuring that the Archives would be a success.
Our core rationale with everything was to allow users to “dig a little deeper”, building from individual media items, to articles, and out into exhibits and themes.

A responsive brand & product…
The brand and identity for the Archives was designed to match this new online presence, with the mark itself being responsive – the full logotype is used on desktop/tablet devices and the mark/symbol used on smaller devices. This gave the identity a great deal of flexibility across different media, with social networks being important drivers. The logotype pays homage to RTÉ logos of the past, while the mark is a playful ‘play-back’ symbol.

Annual visitor growth
Page views in 6 months
Unique browsers per month
What did I do?
Design Lead (UX/UI), Stake-holder engagement, Design facilitation, Product & Brand development, Prototyping & Site Architecture, User Research, Front-end development.
RTÉ Archives www.rte.ie/archives
Included in 100 Archive Selection 2015 – www.100archive.com